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image of Blue Hen Meal Search Home screen

Blue Hen Meal Search:

Using a webscraper based in Python we were able to create a site in Javascript that allowed users to search the University of Delaware dining halls for their favorite meals. Link

image of garden designer main menu image of garden designer in app

My Garden Designer:

A gardening application that puts emphasis on growing native plants. Made in Java using the Javafx library. Features included drag-and-drop, photo uploads and save-and-load. Link

image of stocks4me home page


Simple, clean stock application that allows a user to plan out a stock portfolio. The user is able to modify a chart that displays their stock information. Includes a custom news feed that feeds information about the stocks in their portfolio, so they can keep up with the companies that they invest in. Link

image of galaxy, from nasa image retriever

NASA Image Retriever

Uses NASA's picture of the day API to load in random images that have been featured in order to give the user a seemingly endless image selection from the stars. Link

image of a computer shell

Unix-like Shell:

Built a Unix-like shell in C. Has built-in commands inspired by their Unix counterparts. The shell was able to execute external commands. The shell also had built-in piping! Link

picture of the gore logo

Gore Projects:

Projects I worked on at Gore belong to Gore, so I can not go into details. Languages used include Javascript and Arduino (which is C-like). Company Link